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Week 2 of Keto Diet

I have to tell you about this Ketogenic Diet, or as you may have heard of it "The Keto Diet". Committing to a keto diet meal plan can help solve no end of problems and can help you lose weight in the process. It may be relatively new compared to some other diets, but this is no fad.

Table of Contents
  • Keto Diet Outline
  • How the Keto Diet Works
  • Exercising on the Keto Diet
  • Dining Out Tips on Keto
  • Foods to Avoid on Keto
  • Benefits of a Keto Diet
  • Diet and Meal Plan Breakdown
  • The First 5 Days Of Keto
  • Stage 1: Week 1 (Days 1-5)
  • Ready to start your Keto Diet?
  • Stage 2: Week 2 (Days 6-12)
  • Stage 2: Week 3 (Days 13-19)
  • Final Remarks

Can you believe it first started over 90 years ago, as a cure for epilepsy in children? It did start to lose its impact after a few years as the introduction of new medicines was just being released onto the market. But would you believe it, mother nature was actually doing a better job of relieving epilepsy than the new medications?

Maybe, that is why it started to become popular again around 1994. What made it become noticed again, was when a young Charlie Abraham made an astonishing recovery from epilepsy seizures, he was having on a daily basis, so happy were his family with these results, they decided to start "The Charlie Foundation".

No matter what they had tried previously to the keto diet, nothing had worked. Charlie had been following a keto diet meal plan for 5 years, and it was then that his seizures stopped. Some studies have even shown that following a keto diet meal plan can improve and slow diabetes, Parkinson's, polycystic ovaries and dementia. (1, 2, 3, 4).

In this article, I will explain how you can benefit from the keto diet, not just to lose weight but totally transform your life. I will conclude with a free keto diet plan that will provide you with all the recipes and meal prep you'll need for your first 19 days on the ketogenic diet. You'll then have enough knowledge and recipe ideas to continue the diet yourselves and experience all the wonderful results!

Advisory Note:

I know you are excited to get to the details, but let me just give you some advice! As, with any diet, you should always seek the advice of a doctor or physician before starting, especially if you are taking any medication or suffering from ANY ailments. It is especially crucial for anyone with Type 1 Diabetes to seek medical supervision before taking part in the diet.

Keto Diet Outline

The keto diet like many others consists of a low-carb intake. It is these carbs that help the body produce energy, and the brain is fed chemicals that stimulate the pleasure centers. It is this that makes us feel happy by eating high-carb foods.

It should be mentioned, though, out of all the foods, it is nearly always carbs which cause the problems. They may give us a quick boost in energy, and stimulate the brain's pleasure centers, but there is one major downside to this, any carbs the body has not used to produce energy gets stored, and you guessed it, it gets stored as fat.

Now you may be thinking if carbs provide the energy, and we are about to consume fewer carbs, where will the body get energy from? Well, remember all the left-over carbs which are probably sitting on your belly? This will be the body's new energy source, or at least it will contribute towards it.

How the Keto Diet Works

Keto Diet Outline

The keto diet principles are quite simple, we reduce the carbs and replace these with fats and proteins, this will after a while put the body into a state of ketosis. It is in this state that the body burns ketones to produce energy rather than carbs. This simple process will lead us to weight loss and better health. I would like to mention, there are similar diets to this which are quite famous.

Have you heard of the Atkins Diet? At least with the keto diet, you know it is based on scientific evidence that has been gathered over a period of nearly 100 years. As discovered by Dr. Henry Rawle Geyelin, when a body is in a state of fasting, glucose levels contained in the blood drop, whilst at the same time, the levels of ketones increase.

When the body burns ketones for fuel rather than glucose, there is less stress on the brain, this is what reduces the onset of epileptic seizures. Enough of the history lesson, let me explain how it works: When carbs are consumed in foods, they are converted into glucose, and it is this glucose that is the energy source to power the body and the brain in the bloodstream.

Now the body is in a state of ketosis, the liver will convert fats into fatty acids and ketones which can be used as a replacement for glucose to produce energy. For the body to reach this state of ketosis, the majority of what is eaten should contain a high fat and protein content. As the number of carbs is restricted to around 20-30g per day, a lot of the vegetables that are grown below ground will have to be restricted, but your body will soon become super-efficient at burning fat for energy.

Studies have also shown, once the body is in a state of ketosis it can run 70% more efficiently as these ketones are actually preferred by the body over carbs. Once on the diet, the first target is to deplete the bodies glycogen stores, these are the way the body processes and stores glucose as energy, when you do high-intensity activities like running, the muscles draw upon the glycogen for fuel, it is for this reason long-distance runners do "carb-loading" before big events.

In the liver, it is the glycogen that keeps the body functioning correctly all day, this includes the brain function, kidney cells, and red blood cells. Glycogen depletion is normally brought on by switching to a low-carb diet like the keto diet, it is in the first few days where you feel the side effects as mentioned, to fully deplete the glycogen stocks normally takes 2 -3 days on average.

Each gram of glycogen is bound to 3-4 grams of water, so not only will you be depleting your glycogen stocks, there will be excess water being flushed from your system. When first starting the keto diet, counting calories is not what you should be concerned with, this is one of the reasons people start to lose interest and quit. The recipes supplied are structured to offer the best basis for how to achieve your goals.

Keto Snacks

Not only are there recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner, there are also plenty of snack recipes included that you can have to support your main meals. All these have been supplied to help you keep that full feeling so you have less intention of giving up, although the snack recipes are arranged for each week, it is possible to mix and match these for when you feel like them.

There are sumptuous smoothies to one cup brownies, chips for a night on the sofa and many more. There are even popsicles and an easy-to-make ice cream that will stop you from feeling deprived in any way. As with the main meals, most have a limited carb count which should help you to reach a state of ketosis in the quickest way with the minimum of effort, even these can be mixed and matched if so desired, the choice is yours.

Exercising on the Keto Diet

Strictly speaking, there is no reason, why you need to exercise whilst on the keto diet, to lose weight, the diet will do all the work. Although there are other benefits of exercise most of which are beneficial to your health:

Improved bone mineral density

Studies show that resistance training improves bone mineral density in obese postmenopausal women.

Improved immunity

Exercise may help you boost your immune system. Keep in mind that over-exercising will have the opposite effect.

Improving diabetes by increasing insulin sensitivity

Moderate aerobic exercise lowers blood sugar, the addition of one 10-second sprint after moderate-intensity aerobic exercise can reduce hypoglycemia risk in physically active individuals who possess type 1 diabetes.

Brain health

Exercise improves age-related cognitive decline and helps prevent neurodegenerative diseases.

Cardiovascular health

Both vigorous and moderate physical activity help prevent coronary heart diseases.

Anti-aging benefits

Exercise may increase life expectancy by decreasing mortality risk factors like high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, and cancer. You should not exercise just for the sake of burning calories to aid in weight loss, exercise should be done to promote muscle tone and help you feel good about yourself, so whatever activity you do, do it for pleasure. If you contemplate any exercise, you should allow for plenty of rest between sessions, due to the lack of carbs, you may overdo it and be prone to dizzy spells until you have become accustomed to the diet properly.

Dining Out Tips on Keto

Dining out especially at fast food joints could seem a bit daunting, but you have options that you may not realize you had. I will run through some of the more common places, and what is available for you.

McDonald's / Burger King

Both McDonald's and Burger King offer items that can be made low carb at a cheap price, you can ask for a breakfast sandwich at either restaurant and order without the bun the same goes for a grilled chicken breast or burger for lunch or dinner. My personal favorite is the McDouble from McDonald's Value Menu, just forget the bun and the ketchup, very tasty and keto-friendly at only 4g carbs.


KFC is a great place to stop for a meal, each serving of their grilled chicken is either only 0 or 1g of carbs. Order a few pieces of grilled chicken is super simple and super quick. Just remember to skip most of the sides and ketchup, but if you must have one, order an individual serving of green beans which is only 2g net carbs. If you prefer a salad, order without dressing and it will only be around 2g of carbs

Taco Bell

You may be able to order just the side dishes, the chicken, beef, lettuce, and guacamole come in cheap and the number of carbs is pretty decent also.

Gas stations

Many gas stations offer eggs, deli meat and string cheeses which can be a viable option, also if they sell a breakfast sandwich, just discard the bun and you will be left with tasty sausage, egg, and cheese.


Their double stack order without a bun comes in at 4g carbs, it is also easy on the wallet, they also have the ultimate chicken grill sandwich which is 5g carbs without the bun.

In-N-Out Burger

If you are lucky to live close to these guys, they will supply a burger without a bun, but instead of a bun, they will supply it in a lettuce wrap. Just swap the house spread and replace it with mustard and extra pickles.


Fancy Mexican? For spicy food, this is probably your best bet, just order the burrito bowl without rice, or they have a wonderful salad available. The meat, cheese, sour cream, lettuce and salsa costs extra, but it can be worth the little extra to be satisfied with some wholesome food without any fear of overstepping your carb mark.


All of their sandwiches can be ordered without bread or tortilla which is replaced by a lettuce wrap, as you can order online you are able to check your carbs as you go.

Five Guys Burger and Fries

These guys will supply your burger without a bun and without any hassle. They will supply a lettuce wrap or you can take it to go in an aluminum tray. You can also pick your toppings from their menu board. They also give extra cheese and extra bacon at no extra charge, if you find yourself dining in, they also have peanuts in the shell that you can nibble on while waiting for your burger.

Foods to Avoid on Keto

Before we start on what must be avoided, if you are a serious athletic person, your daily intake will be quite different from a normal person.

Your exercise regime will have to be supported and your calorie intake will have to be adjusted accordingly.

Although protein is not to be avoided while on the keto diet, it will still have to be eaten in moderation, any high amount of protein can raise the body's insulin levels whilst at the same time, lowering your ketone levels.

A safe estimation of protein that should be consumed in one day is around 35% of your maximum calorie intake for the day.

It should also be noted, not all fats are equal, and any oils that are high in polyunsaturated fats (Omega-6) should be avoided such as soy, safflower, and cottonseed amongst others.

Sources of these also include some salad dressings and some types of mayonnaise.

Factory-farmed Meat

Factory farmed meats and fish contain high amounts of Omega-6 and other chemicals that can be harmful to humans.

Liquid Eggs

Liquid eggs contain many additives and can be loaded with fructose corn syrup, this is a source of high carbs.

Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners as a replacement for sugar may be ok, but they can induce cravings and they have no health benefits at all.

Fresh Milk

Fresh milk should be consumed in moderation or avoided altogether, we are led to believe fresh milk is good for us, but as the majority has been pasteurized all the good bacteria have been killed off, another thing you may not realize is, milk actually has a high carb count, one cup contains about 12 grams of carbs. If you are drinking tea or coffee, try to use a bit of cream as an alternative.

Sweetened Foods

Sweetened foods and drinks should be avoided.


Legumes and beans are one of the staple vegetables in our diet, these should be avoided along with lentils, kidney beans, and chickpeas.


Fruits can contain high levels of carbs, grapes, tangerines, bananas, mango, and pineapple should be avoided as with any dried fruits, all is not lost, if you crave fruit, small portions of berries are ok. There are also a number of low-carb fruits.


Starches and grains are in most of what we eat, and most of our current diet will consist of these in one form or another. The foods to avoid consist of rice, pasta, wheat-based cereals, crackers, cookies, and Pizza.

Root Vegetables

Root vegetables are some of the main culprits, potatoes, carrots, and parsnips, etc should all be avoided.


Condiments such as ketchup and sauces are highly processed and contain added sugars, unhealthy fats, and other additives, ketchup, for instance, contains 5 grams of carbs per tablespoon whereas honey mustard contains 11 grams of carbs per sachet. We've put together a post on the best keto condiments for your keto diet.


Alcohol is made from grains and you guessed it, carbs are present in grains. We've put together a keto alcohol guide along with the best low-carb alcoholic drinks.


Sauces – gravy or packet sauces contain flour or sugar, either choose low-carb versions or make your own


Yogurt – a normal container of Greek yogurt will contain 6 grams of carbs from natural sugars, flavored yogurts can contain up to 30 grams.


Coleslaw – 5% of the contents of coleslaw contains up to 14 grams of carbs.

Peanut Butter

Peanut Butter – 2 tablespoons of peanut butter contain 14 grams of carbs.

Balsamic Oil

Balsamic Oil – salad dressings can have varying amounts of carbs. Some fat-free options can contain up to 12 grams per serving.

Fried Foods

Fried Foods – chicken nuggets and chicken sandwiches from some of the more popular chains contain around 10 grams of carbs

Low-Fat/Diet Products

And lastly, one that defies all logic, low fat or diet products like sugar-free diet foods, these are highly processed and contain high amounts of carbs. Low-fat dressings etc, food manufacturers normally replace fats with sugars to maintain flavor, stay with full-fat versions but limit your portion size

Benefits of a Keto Diet

Over the decades there has been much discussion about low-carb diets. Since 2002 there have been over 20 human studies on diets of this sort, and it is a low carb diet that consistently comes out on top.

I will now explain the top 11 advantages that have been found by following the keto diet. It is not only weight loss that is affected, but you will also find an abundance of other health benefits it can bring to you.

You'll Feel Less Hungry

It is true, dieting makes you hungry. This is the main reason people end up miserable and end up quitting whatever diet they are on. But with the keto diet, you automatically have a reduction in appetite. It is shown in the studies that, people who eat more fat and protein, end up eating fewer calories, so you will actually feel less hungry than on most other diets.

You'll Have More Sustainable Weight Loss

Whilst these studies show you become less hungry, by following a low carb diet, they also came to the conclusion that you can lose more weight, and lose weight faster than people on low-fat diets. Even if the ones on a low-fat diet are restricting their calorie intake. Over the first couple of weeks on the diet, the keto diet will get rid of excess water from the body.

Insulin levels become lower due to the restriction of carbohydrate intake, which allows the kidneys to start removing excess sodium, it is this that can help lead to a rapid weight loss in the first week or two. It has also been shown, the amount of weight loss by following the keto diet can be 2 or 3 times more than by following a low-fat diet, and all this without feeling hungry! Surely that is a major advantage?

You'll Lose More Belly Fat

Not all fat on the body is the same and it is the location of these fat deposits that dictate what disease you will be prone to, but unfortunately when on a diet, it is the body that decides where to take the fat from. Luckily, the keto diet takes a greater proportion of fat from around the abdomen.

The most important thing to know is we have fat under the skin, and then fat in the abdominal cavity which builds up around the internal organs. This fat build-up can increase inflammation, insulin resistance and is one of the major factors of metabolic dysfunction, which is most common in the western diet of today. Luckily, the keto diet is super-efficient at reducing these internal body fats first, this helps to reduce the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

The amount of weight loss that any one person can lose will vary, although tests were conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition which showed, men who followed the ketogenic diet for a period of 4 weeks, lost an average of 12 pounds in weight. All the while they were able to eat fewer calories without the hunger normally associated with regular diets.

A Reduction of Triglycerides (Fat Molecules)

You will be pleased to know, low-carb diets are very effective at lowering the levels of triglycerides in the blood. These fat molecules are what increase the risk of heart disease. The main cause for these levels to increase is carbohydrate consumption. So as these are dramatically reduced, the levels in the blood of these triglycerides are also reduced. It should also be noted, people who actually follow a low-fat diet compared to the keto diet can have an increase in triglyceride levels.

Increased HDL Levels (Good Cholesterol)

HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein) is many times referred to as the good cholesterol, and it is HDL that carries cholesterol away from the body to the liver where it gets flushed from the system or re-used. It is also known that if you have higher levels of HDL, you are less prone to the risk of heart disease.

Another indicator that can show if a person is prone to heart disease, is the Triglycerides to HDL ratio. The higher it is, the greater the risk. This is another way the keto diet excels. This ratio can see a much greater improvement as HDL levels are raised whilst triglyceride levels are lowered.

Lowered LDL Levels (Bad Cholesterol)

LDL is the opposite of HDL and is referred to as bad cholesterol. It is this one, that leads to heart disease if the levels are high in the body. Studies have also shown the size of the LDL particles is also an important factor, small particles give the greatest risk whereas larger particles give a lower risk. Once again, the keto diet helps with this.

By being a low carb diet, the particles of LDL change from small to large, thus reducing the number that can float around the body.

Improved Blood Sugar and Insulin Levels

When carbs are consumed, the body breaks these down and they get converted into simple sugars, namely glucose, by the digestive system. It is these simple sugars upon entering the bloodstream that raise the body's blood sugar levels. To combat and maintain these levels the body produces the hormone insulin.

In normal people, this increased amount of insulin is not much of a problem, but in people that have insulin resistance, it is a major problem and can lead to type 2 diabetes and figures for people with this problem are currently over 300 million worldwide. The keto diet can provide you with the solution to this, by reducing carb intake, the body does not have to produce as much insulin, as the blood sugar levels from a reduction in carbs are greatly reduced.

Studies have also shown, by following the keto diet, diabetics can actually reduce the need for medication within 6 months. It should be noted, if you are currently on medication, you should consult your doctor before proceeding.

Lowered Blood Pressure

High blood pressure (hypertension) can be the root of many illnesses in humans. These can include kidney failure, strokes and heart disease to name but a few. The keto diet is a very effective way of reducing blood pressure which can lower the risk of these illnesses.

Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic Syndrome is a collection of symptoms that can lead to diabetes and heart disease. These symptoms range from Abdominal obesity, high blood sugar levels low HDL levels and High triglycerides, although these can be serious they can all be reduced by following the keto diet.

Improved Brain Functions

Originally the keto diet was introduced to help treat children who suffered from epilepsy. This was something, it had many successful results in doing. Over 50 % of children treated showed a 50% reduction in seizures while 16 % of the children actually stopped having seizures completely. Some parts of the brain can only burn glucose, as the carb intake is reduced on the keto diet.

The liver converts protein to glucose, which can supply these parts of the brain. The other parts of the brain are powered by ketones. These are produced when the body is starved of carbs. This is the main reason; the keto diet is so successful at treating epilepsy. Not only that, more recent studies have shown the keto diet can be helpful in other forms of brain disorder, namely Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's Disease.


Research has shown sugar is the main fuel that can feed cancer cells, the cancer cells ferment the sugars to produce oxygen, this, in turn, increases the amount of inflammation in the body. This was discovered by Dr.Otto Warburg in the 1930s. He also found, when the body has low blood sugar content, the amount of inflammation is reduced and the cancer cells are unable to thrive as the blood is fully oxygenated naturally.

Diet and Meal Plan Breakdown

Stage 1 of our keto diet plan is going to be the first strict 5 days where we will force our bodies into ketosis.

Stage 2 is the next 2 weeks of the diet (days 6-19) where we lighten up on restrictions and start to experience the incredible benefits!

The First 5 Days Of Keto

The keto diet has a few side effects that may happen in the first 5 days. These are normal, as with any diet and will quickly pass after a couple of days. There will also be a difference if the diet is for children or adults. Most of these side effects are manageable if you understand why they happen. To have this knowledge beforehand means you will be able to minimize the effects and are less likely to quit.

It only takes a short time for your body to enter a state of ketosis; from this point, the side effects will subside as your body adapts to burning fat for energy rather than glucose. Please always, always seek medical advice before you start. Prioritize your health for safety, and long-term longevity.

Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglycemia)

As your body is used to a high-carb diet, it creates insulin to counteract the sugar that gets created from your carbohydrate intake. Once your carb quantity drops on the keto diet, you may experience low blood sugar episodes.

Symptoms include:

  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Feeling shaky
  • Hunger
  • Headaches
  • Irritability
  • Pounding heart (racing pulse)
  • Pale skin
  • Sweating
  • Trembling
  • Weakness
  • Anxiety

It can seem scary if you have not experienced it before. The easiest way to maintain this is by glucose tablets, so when you feel this is about to happen, take one or two tablets and this should be enough to prevent this from happening.

Keto Flu / Headaches

Also known as 'keto flu', any major change in diet can cause headaches for no apparent reason. You may become light-headed, and also have flu-like symptoms that can occur over several days. These headaches happen as there is a mineral imbalance due to diet changes.

The best way to resolve this quickly is to add one-quarter of a teaspoon of salt into a glass of water and drink. You should then sit down for 15 – 20 minutes for the effects to take place. To prevent this from happening you should drink plenty of water and increase your salt intake for the first few days. This can effectively stop the chance of headaches.

Fatigue and Dizziness

Your body will start to lose stored water content, so it is crucial this is replaced, as a result, there will be many minerals you will lose over the first week on the diet. With low minerals, you may feel tired, dizzy and lightheaded along with the chance of getting unwanted muscle cramps - and a possibility of itchy skin.

To combat these effects, increase the amount of green leafy vegetables you consume. Or as a backup, it is possible to use multivitamin tablets that provide the recommended daily allowance for the lost minerals that you require. Stay clear of any vegetables that are high in carbs, as discussed earlier.


This is one of the most common side effects. This comes from losing fluids and becoming dehydrated, loss of salt, a magnesium deficiency, or too many dairy/nut products. If things don't change by taking vitamin tablets (to improve your magnesium intake), you may have to reduce your dairy product intake even more.


These symptoms normally only last for a few days, thankfully. Once you have increased your fat content, your body should adjust and these symptoms should subside. Always drink lots of water to replace the lost fluids so as not to become dehydrated.

Interrupted Sleep Patterns

Some people mention they have problems sleeping whilst on the keto diet - if this happens it can be a sign your insulin levels are low. To solve this, have a small snack that contains an equal amount of protein and carbs just before going to bed. This will help balance your insulin level for the night. Just for the short term.

Heart Palpitations

This can happen to some people, and not happen to others, like if you drink a strong cup of coffee. Although whilst on the keto diet, it can be a sign a person has low blood pressure. Always seek medical advice if you are not sure.

Sugar Cravings

This is one of the most difficult side effects to resist. Just give yourself time and these will subside in anything from a few days up to a period of around 21 days. Several ways to combat these cravings are doing some light exercise or finding something that can occupy your mind.

Sugar cravings will only last for an hour; so, this will have gone by the time you have completed your exercise. You can also have a snack consisting of a few ounces of protein, either in the form of a small salad or a small, quick to prepare keto smoothie recipe.

Again, a child should NEVER be placed on a ketogenic diet, the consequences are very drastic and harmful while children are still growing, it is better to give them all the fruits, vegetables, carbs, and proteins, in a balanced diet, and limit their processed sugar found in candy, sodas, and sweets.

Stage 1: Week 1 (Days 1-5)

Ready to start your Keto Diet?

If you're still unsure about how to eat, what to eat or what to avoid, don't worry you're not alone! There is a little-known diet system calledThe 28-Day Keto Challenge which will teach you everything you need to know and guide you through your first month. Getting that in check will increase your metabolism and allow you to shed weight and shed it fast.

Women who have followedThe 28-Day Keto Challenge reported losing up to 21 pounds and 2-4 inches from their waist in just a matter of 4 weeks—the methods inThe 28-Day Keto Challenge are all backed by science.

Check out thisvideo on The 28-Day Keto Challenge now to learn more about how to follow the diet—and lose weight and improve your life in 28 days.

So now that you know what to expect, you're ready for Stage 1 of our easy keto diet plan. Follow the recipes for each day and feel free to mix and match your favorites if you don't like a certain meal. Add a couple of snacks to each day, depending on how hungry you feel.

If you're unsure about how much food you should be consuming, read our keto calories guide and calculate how many calories you should be consuming each day based on your weight loss goals. Each recipe has the number of servings as well as the number of calories so you'll be able to calculate how much you should be eating each day.

The recipes in your Stage 1 diet are designed to be as low on carbs as possible (limiting it to no more than around 20 grams per day) so that you will deplete your glycogen stores and reach a state of ketosis quickly. This can happen as fast as 48 hours so 5 days should guarantee you'll get there. We "lighten up" on the carb intake in Stage 2 so that your food options become less restrictive.

A shopping list is at the end of the meal plan to help you in your preparation for the first stage of the diet.

Keto Diet Plan to Lose Weight

Day 1

  • Breakfast - Keto Hash Browns
  • Snack - Keto Baked Zucchini Fries
  • Lunch - Keto Lettuce Wraps
  • Snack - Keto Peanut Butter Mousse
  • Dinner - BEST Low-Carb Baked Chicken
  • Snacks - Calculate your daily calorie intake requirement and add as many snacks as you need to reach this.

Day 2

  • Breakfast - Keto Egg Muffins
  • Snack - Keto Peanut Butter Cookies
  • Lunch - Simple Lunch Salad with Tuna
  • Dinner - Keto Lemon and Garlic Salmon

Day 3

  • Breakfast - Easy Keto Chaffle Recipe
  • Lunch - Chicken & Mushroom Soup
  • Dinner - Stir-Fried Beef with Orange

Day 4

  • Breakfast - Cranberry Keto Pancakes
  • Lunch - Greek Frittata
  • Dinner - Salmon with Avocado & Lime

Day 5

  • Breakfast - Blender Pancakes
  • Lunch - Garlic Cauliflower
  • Dinner - Cheats Pasta with Cheesy Tomato Sauce

Stage 1: Week 1 Snacks

  • Keto Peanut Butter Cookies
  • Keto Peanut Butter Mousse
  • Pesto Crackers
  • Keto Lava Cake
  • Mexican Fudge
  • Spiced Almonds
  • Strawberry Shake

Stage 2: Week 2 (Days 6-12)

Congratulations! You've made it through Stage 1's first 5 days. You'll find that the recipes for the next 2 weeks are perhaps a little more balanced in the macros. Have fun with it! Follow the recipes as is or mix and match, if you like. Make the ones you like again and skip the ones you don't.

Day 6

  • Breakfast - Mini Crust Less Quiches
  • Lunch - Ham & Cheddar Wraps
  • Dinner - Chicken Quesadilla
  • Snacks - Calculate your daily calorie intake requirement and add as many snacks as you need to reach this.

Day 7

  • Breakfast - Chocolate and Peanut Butter Muffins
  • Lunch - BLT (Bacon Lettuce & Tomato) Wrap with Avocado
  • Dinner - Shrimp & Mushroom with Cheat Noodles

Day 8

  • Breakfast - Pizza Omelet with pepperoni and mozzarella
  • Lunch - Chicken & Bacon Salad
  • Dinner - Spicy Lime Steak

Day 9

  • Breakfast - Breakfast Smoothie
  • Lunch - Tuna Avocado Salad
  • Dinner - Butter Burger

Day 10

  • Breakfast - Sausage and Egg with Cheese
  • Lunch - Chicken & Broccoli Casserole with Cheddar topping
  • Dinner - Fish Fillet with Avocado Sauce

Day 11

  • Breakfast - Fat Coffee
  • Lunch - Chicken and Cheat Noodle Soup
  • Dinner - Cheesy Pork Bake

Day 12

  • Breakfast - Keto Porridge
  • Lunch - Asian Beef and Coleslaw
  • Dinner - Deep Dish Pizza Quiche

Stage 2: Week 2 Snacks

  • Vanilla Ice Cream
  • Baked Parsnip Chips
  • Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls
  • Kale Chips
  • Protein Shake
  • Salted Almond and Coconut Bark
  • Chocolate Cheesecake with Coconut

Stage 2: Week 3 (Days 13-19)

OK, so now you should be getting a good hang of it and I am sure, if you followed the diet to a 'T', you would have seen results by now. So, let's hope this keeps you motivated, and to try the recipes we have for you on week 3.

Day 13

  • Breakfast - Fruity Crème Fraiche
  • Lunch - Beef Patties with Creamy Mustard Sauce
  • Dinner - Sticky Sesame Beef
  • Snacks - Calculate your daily calorie intake requirement and add as many snacks as you need to reach this.

Day 14

  • Breakfast - Beef and Pumpkin Hash
  • Lunch - Cheddar Pancakes
  • Dinner - Southwest Steak Sizzler

Day 15

  • Breakfast - Spiced Pumpkin Waffles
  • Lunch - Chicken and Mushroom Soup
  • Dinner - Wagon Wheel Sausage Pie

Day 16

  • Breakfast - All-day Breakfast
  • Lunch - Cucumber with Tuna Boats
  • Dinner - Steak and Eggs with Seared Tomatoes

Day 17

  • Breakfast - Whipped Coconut Cream with Fresh Berries
  • Lunch - Sausage Frittata
  • Dinner - Omelet with Pesto and Feta Cheese

Day 18

  • Breakfast - Chai Spice Mug Cake
  • Lunch - Zucchini Hash Browns
  • Dinner - Ham and Asparagus Bake

Day 19

  • Breakfast - Creamy Coffee Shake
  • Lunch - Spicy Bacon and Brussels
  • Dinner - Sweet & Spicy Chicken with Shrimp

Stage 2: Week 3 Snacks

  • Raspberry Lemon Popsicles
  • Jalapeno Popper Balls
  • Maple Pecan Bars
  • Corndog Muffins
  • Buckeye Cookies
  • Microwave Brownies
  • Peanut Butter Cookies
  • Snickerdoodles

If you are reading this, I would like to thank you very much. The content I have provided you with is a no-frills approach to everything you need to know whilst on the keto diet. I believe this is the best keto diet plan that is easy-to-follow and completely free! It can be a life-changing decision to undertake.

This is the reason; this information should be made available to everyone who can benefit. You may have decided to try this diet for yourself, and as you will see, I have based it on 19 days. This should be achievable for most people, I have also structured the meal plans and included snacks, so any temptation to quit will be minimized.

The benefits of the keto diet increase more all the time, it is not a fad diet as many are, it took nearly 100 years to arrive at the point we are now at, so it has surely stood the test of time. Join the 1000's of people who have already tried, and benefited from the keto diet, and please leave a comment if you enjoyed this article!

28-Day Keto Challenge

Still unsure how to eat, what to eat and what to avoid? Try The 28-Day Keto Challenge and learn everything you need to know for your first month on keto!

Week 2 of Keto Diet
