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Perelandra Mbp Respiratory System Balancing Solution

2-oz. MBP Respiratory System Balancing Solution – Water in Brandy or Vinegar 59ml

From the time when humans joined the planet and became part of its rhythms and movements, there has been a strong connection between the condition of the human body, the condition of a person's immediate environment and the overall environmental condition of the planet itself. The human body's systems function best when operating within a balanced environment. We have reached a time in history when the planetary environment has deteriorated to such a degree that the support the environment gives the body systems is inadequate and often detrimental to the body's ability to do the job it was designed to do. In short, the overall breakdown of the environment is seriously challenging the human body's ability to function properly throughout its day-to-day operation.

War has never been an environmentally friendly activity. As war technology has been developed and as its weaponry has become more complex, the adverse impact war has on the environment has increased exponentially. Consequently, its impact on us and our bodies has increased exponentially. War's impact is global, not just regional. It touches all of us whether we are on the battlefields or not. This is especially true when considering the atmosphere and the air we breathe. It is also true when considering the exceptional stress we experience around war. Just with these two elements alone, we are taking a major – even monumental – blow to our bodies, hearts and minds. As a result, our respiratory and immune/lymphatic systems are hit especially hard. Nowhere in the body does the outside world, with all its dust, debris, chemicals and microbes, have such easy access to the protected interior cavities of the body as it does in the respiratory system – in particular, at the air/blood interfaces of the lungs.

The Perelandra MBP Respiratory System Balancing Solution (RSBS) addresses the full respiratory system: the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, primary bronchi, bronchial tree, lungs and diaphragm. It also strengthens and balances the many important and beneficial microbes that reside within and assist this system's functions, as well as provide its protection.

The RSBS has been created by nature from a combination of electrical infusions from twenty-eight different plants, minerals, natural gases and elements found in the sea, atmosphere and on land. During the production process, when combining these components and creating the solution, nature restores each component back to its original state of balance, thus eliminating any damage that has been caused by environmental breakdown. This enables the elements to release their original balancing properties to the new electrical pattern that creates the RSBS and to the body's full respiratory system when the solution is taken orally.

The RSBS contains only water, the RSBS electrical pattern and a vinegar or brandy preservative. It is natural, and by using electrical infusions rather than physical elements from the twenty-eight "ingredients" to create the new RSBS electrical pattern, no allergic reactions or side effects are triggered – unless you are allergic to water, vinegar or brandy. In short, the Respiratory System Balancing Solution provides us with a quick, safe and simple way to ensure that our system receives the natural support needed for proper function in today's world.

The RSBS is an oral solution that is designed to strengthen and balance the full respiratory system. It may be taken by adults – young and old – pregnant women, children and infants. It may also be administered to animals using the same dosage as for adult humans. It is easy to take, it is safe and it is natural.

We offer this Solution in a 2-oz./56.8ml dropper bottle, preserved in brandy or vinegar. We estimate that one 2-oz. bottle will last one person taking the proper daily dosage about three to six months. Bottle Math Info

The MBP Solutions strengthen and balance the elements of the body's systems that are common to us all. One person's respiratory system is approximately the same as another person's respiratory system. Consequently, one MBP Respiratory System Balancing Solution for all is effective. When addressing the impact to these systems that is unique to an individual, it is important, as mentioned above, to include with the MBP Solutions the tools that provide individualized treatment.

It is important for your body's health in general and each system in particular to take the MBP Solutions daily. What they give the body and system is needed daily. This is equally true when traveling to a different environment (beach, mountains, cities, etc.) or to a different country. The Perelandra MBP Balancing Solutions have been created to withstand any adverse effects from security x-rays. If you are traveling in an area that you know will have a particularly difficult and strong adverse impact on your body, we recommend that you take the Digestive System Balancing, Immune System Balancing, and Lymphatic System Balancing Solutions along with your RSBS twice daily two weeks prior to your trip and throughout your time in that area.

NOTE: During times of illness, injury and surgery, you may combine the Perelandra MBP Balancing Solutions with other health treatments – conventional or alternative. They will be compatible. However, if your solutions are preserved in brandy, you should be sure that the brandy is compatible with any of the other medication you are taking. During these times, you may need to switch to the vinegar-preserved MBP Balancing Solutions. For those using the Perelandra tools, we recommend that the Perelandra Essences, MAP and the Microbial Balancing Program be used along with the MBP Solutions during any illness or for any injury. This will provide the necessary individualized treatment needed for full and speedy recovery.

See also Frequently Asked Questions to the MBP Balancing Solutions  on the PERELANDRA web site.

For more information about what parts of the body are included in each of the systems:
InnerBody Anatomy Explorer

If you have any questions about this Perelandra MBP Balancing Solution, please contact us .

Produced by Perelandra, Ltd. USA.
© Copyright Perelandra. With kind permission from Perelandra, Centre for Nature Research .

weight: 160g/450g

Perelandra Mbp Respiratory System Balancing Solution
